Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

It was certainly a fun filled evening here last night.
My kids got to go trick or treating, for to house, pillow cases in hand and really receiving more sweets and treats than any dentist could be more thrilled about!

They then went and exchanged candy for silly bands and for other favorite candies, watched a Halloween movie and were so excited all the way back to the house!
So, whether you celebrated yesterday, or are getting ready for tonight, have a

Happy Spooky Halloween!


BLOGitse said...

You have Halloween there too?
Not here. That's good because I'm scared here every day, no Halloween needed!

Fabiola said...

So happy the kids could get a taste of their own culture, even tough they are faraway from home ; )

mythopolis said...

Boo to you, too! Sounds like the kids are having good times!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that your kids are enjoying this new experience... These are the memories they will cherish and you will enjoy.

I hope you continue to have this good a time... with ALL your family together... SOON!!

Surfer dude!!

Brenda said...

Where did you have this celebration? Looks like fun!