Monday, September 27, 2010

London and Amsterdam

We spent two days each in London (planned) and Amsterdam (unplanned).

London is a vibrant city, even though they mostly all wear black! As I wandered around, the first day with my husband, the second day without, I found the people to be lively, friendly and quite in the rush. They do not stop much but constantly seem to be going from one place to another.
We got to tour around the popular sites a little:

We rode The Eye which was really fun:

and just enjoyed the feeling of a big city.

I loved taking the subway and finding my way around while looking for warm clothes, coats, gloves, etc....getting ready for our upcoming move. We bought so much...even though it will still probably not be enough to get us through the whole winter in Atyrau!

and it ended up costing us in the end! Why?
Well, we were fine, weight wise, if we flew directly from London to Atyrau, with just a change in planes in Amsterdam.
But did you really read the first sentence of the post well?
We didn't get to do that! We ended up not having all the paperwork in time for the flight between Amsterdam and Atyrau. So, we waited for the paperwork and flew to Atyrau on Sunday. What does this mean?
We had to pay for the baggage because the local airlines limitations are MUCH smaller when you check in in Amsterdam.

So, we stayed an extra two days in Amsterdam.
We had both been to Amsterdam, but not together. It is an interesting city that thrives on a true European feel. The streets are filled with people walking, talking, shopping...we got to enjoy a delicious cheese and meat fondue, stroll through the streets together hand and hand.
It was a lovely stop over, even if unplanned!

We took a boat ride through the canals, were charmed by the architecture and enjoyed our time exploring this city of canals, together.

All in all, it was a beautiful 4 days. We rushed around and strolled along. We visited and took pictures, made memories and bookmarked where we would take our children!


mythopolis said...

The Ee looks enormous. Must be quite a view from up there!

Interesting old sailing ship in the next to last picture!

Fabiola said...

I love the pictures. Paulo and I have been to Amsterdam. It is a interesting city to say the least. I've never been to London. Maybe I will go soon.

I feel silly telling you this, but have you tried for winter clothes? It was recommended by one of my neighbors in MI.
Truth to be told, Paulo's shirts still come from their web site. And they delivery in Brazil ; )

Nicole said...

Ah, those shots are gorgeous!
I so miss Europe :D

Jientje said...

You got a little unexpected mini vacation along the way! I love your photos!

Gutsy Living said...

You brought back memories of my recent trip to London in May. I also love Amsterdam. So you've moved? Sorry but as you know, I've been offline.

BLOGitse said...

I'm in Helsinki and I love it here! Yes, this is Europe!
I can do things online, public transport is excellent, air is fresh, there's room to walk and I don't have to be afraid every time I cross the street.

@Nicole - I know what you mean! :)

London Caller said...

Only two days in London?
That's not enough...

Anyway, did you have a great time in London? :)