I haven't blogged consistently in quite some time. I used to be more proactive about what to write and trying to keep the posts coming at regular intervals.
Right now, there is a lot going on....so it has been quite inconsistent.
But tonight, I just feel like writing.
No pictures to describe a scene, place or trip....
Nothing fancy...
Just writing.
Well, here goes...
I have been thinking a lot about my life, and the incredible opportunities I have had. I have been so lucky to marry the man of my dreams. We have two beautiful and amazing children.
We have been blessed with good health, fortune and adventure.
God has been very good to us!
Tonight, though, I would like to focus on friends. I went to lunch today with my best friend here in Rio, Gabriela. We came to meet each other through a mutual friend. I knew this friend in Venezuela, while Gabriela had met her while living in Mexico.
It was a chance email....a quick note to say hi, I'm new here too...
and in a few short weeks, we will leave here, for me, as the best of friends.
I believe we would have become friends anyways...one of her boys and my daughter are in the same class. But, it was sure nice to know someone, even if for just a tiny bit of time, before it all started.
Yes, we are leaving too. We still do not know of our next adventure, but we hope to find out soon. What is nice, is that both Gabriela and I are leaving together.
We agree that it would be extremely hard to come back here without the other one around.
Making friends is hard anywhere. Making friends, knowing that there aren't many to pick from, and knowing that you will probably only be together a few short years...
well, that's even harder.
Yes, we decide to live this life. There are many benefits.
Leaving friends is certainly not one of them. Rio has not been the easiest place for either of us. But we always had each other, and I am forever grateful that our lives brought us together.
There are so many expats that believe they are above everyone, that we lead a life that should always be catered, and that really have no grip on reality.
Then there are those few...
those that make a difference in your life. I have found that those few are the ones that become such good friends with, that I sit here crying about the thought of leaving them...
even though I am so excited for a new adventure, even though I am so happy to leave the school my children attend, even though I never really adapted to life here.
I know what you all may be thinking...how can you live in an amazing city, beaches at your doorstep and a carefree, workfree life....
but I am sorry, it is not all sunshine, beaches and rose colored skies.
Yes, I love the beach and will miss it dearly....but besides my friends, tennis and...well, my tennis coach, the driver that has always helped me...
I just never really adapted to Rio.
Thank goodness for friends, and you Gabriela, are the best. Thank you...
and maybe the title should be:
Gabriela, my BFF