Tuesday, August 4, 2009

You know you are in Brazil when...

you are driving along, amidst all the motorcycles that regularly swerve in and out of cars.

Then, to one's surprise, a rider of a two person bike, jumps off, and hurries along
(thank goodness at a red light)
to pick up the flip-flop that the driver was wearing.

Some things only happen here.... :)


mythopolis said...

I hope you stay buckled up in all that craziness! : )

BLOGitse said...

ooh, i can imagine! be careful out there!

Betty W said...

....or in Paraguay! I can see that happening here too.
I´m going to copy you and do the same for the Chaco. I hope your ok with that! :)

Fabiola said...

Ha... In São Paulo, people wouldn't dare to do that.... The other drivers would just hit them :)


Scriber's Web said...

Ha ha. Reminds me of India!

Nicole said...

Hilarious :D!