Thursday, May 28, 2009

Competing forces

A few weeks ago I was still walking Bella on her long walk at 5:30 in the morning.  Something that I found so interesting was that the moon seemed to be daring the sun... it was a competition in my eyes.

The moon was out full force in the reminded me of a huge flashlight shining a path on the ocean.

Then the next morning, as the sun was rising, it was still daring the sun...
still high in the sky.
The sun won...because it took over the moon's bright light, even if the moon was still hanging there for all of us to admire


larkswing said...

That is great. :)

Gabriela said...

Very cool. My kids always like to see the moon when it's light out.

mythopolis said...

Every now and then however, the moon sneaks up on the sun and gets in front of it and blocks its rays!

Gutsy Living said...

I remember those really bright moons in Belize that made it easy to navigate a boat at night. Not when the moon wasn't out though.

Betty said...

That really is one bright moon. Looks like a lighthouse light.

marina said...

what a lovely view you have BG!!
living my the sea has to be beautiful. marina

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

How poetic!

BLOGitse said...

I haven't seen the moon for ages - where is it? :)

Jientje said...

What a poetic view you have on things other people don't even notice!

Nicole said...

That's beautiful!
I remember those mornings from Kuwait. Gorgeous :)

Beverlydru said...

Always enjoy your photos.

FancyHorse said...

A flashlight! That's good, it does look like a flashlight!