Monday, February 15, 2010

What a trip...

This has been one of the most special trips for my daughter and I.
I hope that she remembers this trip as fondly as I do.

I do not have nay pictures yet because I am waiting for my new Canon 50D to be delivered TODAY!! I am so excited to try it out!

We have had a great time just having fun together. She is so positive and such an inspiration for me. For instance, yesterday we rushed out of the house to get to mass on time. When we returned, I realized that I locked us out of the house!
She just passed it off as if it is an every day occurrence.
"It's ok Mom, everyone makes mistakes!"
So we just rolled with the punches, bought some lunch, shopped a little, and waited for the locksmith to come.

The air has been a little chilly for us. Remember, Brasil has been in the upper 90's lately, so we are not accustomed to 60's! Being on the water makes it feel even chillier! Today seems to be warmer, so as soon as I sign for this delivery, we will be out and about. I am not too thrilled that it could happen anywhere between 7am and 7pm though....I am hoping it comes soon!

My daughter is enjoying the house, the yummy US milk and donuts! It is funny what you miss...
even I am enjoying the milk, and I am not a huge fan of milk, but boy, this one tastes good!

So onto another glorious day in our home....


Stephanie said...

Aww glad you two are having such a good time!! Hope your camera gets there soon too! When I go home I want to see if Sidnei will get me a good camera too :)

Milk sounds DELICIOUS! I hadnt really thought about it before because I don't really like milk THAT much, but a brownie or oreo or krispy kreme with a cup of COLD milk (the kind of milke that goes bad in ten days if you don't drink it) sounds awesome!

mythopolis said...

Ummm...I can't keep up with your travels! I am guessing Key West?

Fabiola said...

I would love some crisp air down here. It is UNBEARABLY hot for way too long for me.

I hope you are enjoying every minute of this trip.

Gutsy Living said...

I remember what you mean about milk. I was so tired of powdered milk in Belize: NIDO. Sounds like you're getting a wonderful camera. Let us know if it's what you expected.

BLOGitse said...

You sound like my husband: he loves good milk and cookies! :)

When you know how to shoot perfect pictures with your new 50D please send me hints! :)