Today was a totally true expat princess afternoon.
I went to have my hair colored, cut, got the treatment and the simultaneous manicure/pedicure.
Yes, here, they have two different people pamper your hands and feet at the same time.
Sometimes you have to be a bit like gumby while they pamper you because you also have your hairstylist working on some aspect of your head. BUT, that's ok, because it is a truly self indulgent few hours.
Today's time factor was the usual...
see we have a running joke, (that's more truth instead of a joke), amongst all my friends that go to see Alexandre. Gabriela is one of the lucky ones...actually, she "discovered" this gem stylist for us....he is good and speaks English!
We always try to predict how long each session will take. Mine was exactly what I expected today... 5 hours. Yes, you read right, 5 hours.
What does he do that takes so long? I really could not tell you why it takes as long as it does, but here is how it went down:
1. kiss, kiss, and greetings
2. turn on "the light" and see what has passed since the last time you visited
3. fluff it around a little, look at the roots, and giggle at how long it has been
4. decide what to do
5. start with the mixing of color and apply
5 1/4. start the simultaneous manicure/pedicure
5 3/4. discuss with Alexandre about the latest hot colors in Rio...bright bubble gum pink
6. wait, wait, wait...ding (sound from the drying device)
7. check the color, rinse, blow dry quickly
8. start mixing the highlights color and apply
8 1/4. call the assistant to help hold certain parts of hair out of the way
8 1/2. enter: the sweeper to sweep away the hair off the floor
8 3/4. Superstition: assistant says: don't sweep on top of my feet because then I will never get married!
9. wait, wait, wait...ding
10. check the color, switch to the massage chair, shampoo, condition, and apply "the treatment"
*side note- the treatment is also a hot topic amongst us get it or to not get it, that is the question...the answer boils down to do you have the time and the money for the treatment this time....and this time, I gave in to Alexandre's pleadings and said go for the quick treatment
11. reluctantly get out of the massage chair
12. cut
13. start the blow dry process
14. delight at the color choice and cut, bring the mirror to see the back and sides
15. show off to other usually fake smiling, complimentary, jealous employees
16. get the card and put all the prices on it
17. go to the register, swipe the card and fall over from shock, er....
I meant to say, see the price and marvel at the 20% discount because it is a Tuesday
18. pay the bill

and the results are a very happy me, ready to go to Pittsburgh for Christmas and counting the hours to be with family again!