Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London calling...

What a whirlwind of a week it was...
First part:
my husband and I jetted off to London...where I took in the sights, sounds, smells and crowds of this great city.
I tend to like big cities. I like that I can walk around feeling anonymous and no one is looking or caring what I have on, what shape my face is, the funny language that I speak. This is what usually happens in the different countries I live in, but not London. There are people visiting and living in this city from all corners of the Earth.
(I always found this a quant phrase, going back to when the world was flat!)

I love to walk...and London is the perfect city to walk in. I like the craziness of the mid-day lunch crowd and the bits and pieces of conversations that you overhear. Then again, the Underground of this city is fabulous and easy to understand as well. I like the combination of the two.

I did hurt my foot, unfortunately. I do not know how it happened. One minute I am walking through the beautiful St. James park,

and the next minute, the side of my foot is starting to throb. I figured it best to see the doctor in a big city, as opposed to the SOS clinic they have in Atyrau. She seemed to think it was nothing more than a sprain/strain, no need for an x-ray in her opinion....
but a week later, swollen foot, serious pain when I walk more than 2 feet continuously, I'm starting to worry. I may have to give in and have it x-rayed here in Atyrau.

Of course this didn't stop me from touring St. Paul's Cathedral,
the main church for the Church of England.

I learned a bit while listening to the audio tour...some interesting tidbits on the people buried there, the reasons for certain structures in the church...
Strolled through Covent Garden...quite a flurry of excitement amidst the shops, restaurants and bars. The pub is the place to be after work obviously.
My husband and I noted how you do not often see people hanging out on street corners surrounding the nearest bar in the US. I know that there are happy hours and people do congregate, but it seems different in London. The vibe is very energetic and outside!
Maybe we have lucked out and had sunshine every time we have visited London...well, one day of some rain this trip, but not the gloomy skies I always heard about!

We ate at some nice restaurants..a tapas bar with yummy Spanish treats and wine, an Italian fish restaurant where we were entertained by an Italian couple from Puglia that my husband works with, the local Starbuck's for breakfast ;)

It was fun and exciting.
and then came part two: Saturday....


mythopolis said...

Bring on Part II....if its what I think it is not so idyllic....

Stickup Artist said...

Cool hanging out in London. It's a good thing you missed those riots, or did you? As you can see from my blog, I also like to walk but am not near any large cities at the moment. Can't say I miss them yet but I'm still new to this nature girl personae and find it very refreshing. Hope your foot feels better soon and you are safe and well... the news from London has been very scary.

Anonymous said...

Speaking selfishly, I hope you have to stay of your foot for a few days and thus have more ime to blog abot your adventures. Speaking selflessly, I hope you get well soon and x-raying your foot in the "SOS clinic" does not turn as traumatic as it sounds.

Surfer dude.

FancyHorse said...

I hope your ankle will be better soon!
We were in London about ten years ago. It was very nice, but we didn't have enough time there. Maybe we'll get to go back some day.
I'm glad you missed the riots.

I’m so glad to be back on Blogger! I couldn’t successfully post my entries, but finally learned how, thanks to a blogger named OTURNERO.

PJ said...

I came back from that instant fb world to read some real blogs!! Mesmerizing, that other world!! I think the last I read from you, you were purchasing a home in the US. Florida, maybe? Now you're on the other side of the world in Atyrau! I shall have to read more to see if you've posted pics of the Caspian Sea!!

Loved your descriptions of London. My fav London tour was a walking tour from near Waterloo Station which covered some Dickensonian-type homes, and Lord knows what else -- I shall have to consult my photo albums to remember.

Waiting to hear about your reunion with your children and the wonderful time they had in Switzerland!!

Fabiola said...

Love your post about London!

I hope you are adjusting back "home" in Atyrau.
I am becoming a really bad blooger, too much work and long hours on these traffic jams :( are really draining my energy.