Saturday, May 23, 2009


What am I longing for, you may ask?!

Chinese food....good Chinese food. 
I am so surprised in a place like where I live, very cosmopolitan, very hip, very trendy...
there is not ONE single good Chinese food restaurant in sight.  Not even one that comes close...and trust me, there are only less than a handful to try anyways!

Last night we went to see Angels and Demos, (highly entertaining), and then for dinner.  I was craving lettuce wraps and orange spiced beef, or sweet and sour chicken....or anything that slightly resembled what we used to eat from the Chinese food joints in the US and even in Venezuela!

But nope....I find the sushi here (I know that is Japanese, but hey, here they combine it all!) to be gummy and not really made with fresh seafood.  Then we ordered some beef and vegetable wakisobi was edible.  But the flavors and taste are just nothing resembling ANY Asian dish that I have ever tasted.

So, I long for June when I can go and savor my lettuce wraps, orange spiced beef, sweet and sour chicken, spring rolls, shrimp fried rice, sticky rice, beef and broccoli, chicken and veggies.....


Gabriela said...

Hey-what time did you see the movie last night? We went too-at 6:30. Shoot-we could have gone together.

And also can't wait for some good Chinese food!

mythopolis said...

So, where are you going in June that has good Chinese food....sounds like another adventure!

FancyHorse said...

We have several Chinese, a few Japanese, and two Thai restaurants in our area. I don't know how authentic they are; I'm not a good judge of that. We like the Chinese.

tasibin: Toss your trash in the tasibin.

Joyfulsister said...

Hey Sis..
Wow Wish I could wiggle my nose and poof!! you would have your chinese food!!! I love Chinese my self. Hey thanks for your visit it is always a blessing to see you my friend!!

Hugz Lorie

Nicole said...

I wouldn't mind some good Chinese now either, yumyum.
Well, here it's hard to get by any real good food in most Restaurants.
It's all Insider tips where to eat what :)

Scriber's Web said...

Funny that we had planned on grilling yesterday but at the last minute decided to carry out Chinese food for dinner. You know, I am interested in hearing what kind of local food you get there. I really don't know.

Laural Out Loud said...

There is ONE Chinese restaurant in Santos. My husband says it's incredibly expensive and can't compare in any way to how great Chinese food is here in the States. When we move there I'm going to miss Chinese food for sure.

Beverlydru said...

I like Chinese food in America. But when I went to China I was pregnant and found the food to be too mysterious. Octopus and dog? No thanks. I think the smells in the open markets just did me in.
Now, as far as your great recipe for Blueberry breakfast cake... I have gained 3 pounds just thinking of it. I'd better just stick with the fresh blueberries after the blueberry Belgian Waffles I cooked up yesterday. LOL.